White Antarctica • The Software Design & Development Company



20 Jun 2023 5 min read

Conditional Rendering in React


By Kevin Shah

Junior Fullstack Developer

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Conditional Rendering in React by Antarctica Global

Conditional rendering is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and engaging user interfaces in React applications.

You can use it to control what content is rendered and when. It improves user experience, simplifies your code, and helps you create more flexible and adaptable components.

Why is conditional rendering necessary in React?

There are several reasons why you might want to use conditional rendering in your React applications:

Improved User Experience: Conditional rendering allows you to create dynamic user interfaces that adapt to changes in data and user interactions. By showing and hiding content based on the user's actions or the application state, you can create a more intuitive and engaging user experience.

Improved Performance: By conditionally rendering content, you can avoid rendering unnecessary components and improve the performance of your application. This is particularly important in larger applications where unnecessary rendering can lead to performance issues.

Simplified Code: Conditional rendering can help you simplify your code and make it more readable. By using conditional statements to decide what content should be rendered, you can avoid duplicating code and create more modular components.

Flexibility: Conditional rendering allows you to create more flexible and customizable components. By rendering different content based on the application state, you can create components that can be used in different contexts and adapt to different user interactions


Conditional rendering can performed using two methods:

  1. Ternary operator
  2. Using logical AND operator (&&)

Using ternary operator - 


Using ternary operator

In the above code, if `isLoggedIn` returns a true value, then `Welcome back!` message will be displayed and if it returns false then “Please sign up” will be displayed.

Using logical AND operator


Using logical AND operator

As you can see, if `isLoggedIn` returns a true value, then and then only the `Welcome back!` message will be displayed on the screen. If `isLoggedIn` returns a false value then no message will be displayed.

Advantages of using Ternary operator over logical AND operator in conditions rendering

Unexpected output: If the second operand of the && operator is not a valid React element or a boolean value, the output may be unexpected. For example, if the second operand is a string or a number, it will be rendered as text instead of a React element.

Rendering nothing vs. false: If the condition being checked is false, the && operator will return false instead of rendering nothing. This can lead to unexpected behaviour if you are not careful.

Readability: The && operator can be difficult to read in some cases, especially if the condition being checked is complex or if you need to render multiple elements based on the condition.

Maintainability: If you need to modify the condition being checked, you may need to modify the && operator in multiple places, which can make the code harder to maintain.

To avoid these issues, make sure that the second operand of the && operator is a valid React element or a boolean value, and consider using the ternary operator if the condition is complex or if you need to render multiple elements based on the condition.


I'm Kevin, a fullstack MERN developer at Antarctica Global. I post regularly about various technologies & experiences I come across.

Feel free to comment this post and ask me any question!









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By Kevin Shah

Junior Fullstack Developer


Antarctica is a software concept, design and development company that builds easy to use applications and architects complex to build ecosystems. We do it for people who believe just like us that fighting climate change isn’t an option, it is our generation’s utmost duty.

So we made it simple: the things we do, the products we build, the services we render, must either protect our mothers or protect Mother Nature. Said otherwise, our mission is to either save lives or save Life, penguins included.

We are the good side of technology. We are Antarctica.

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